Hydrogen To Be - Geopolitical and Social Implications of Emerging Low-Carbon Hydrogen Trade and Supply Networks in the ARRRA Supercluster

CIEP - Drift - TUDelft - UPT/Erasmus, March 2023
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Hydrogen To Be

Geopolitical and Social Implications of Emerging Low-Carbon Hydrogen Trade and Supply Networks in the ARRRA Supercluster

In many forward-looking sketches of market developments and the energy transition, the assumption is always that the open international markets will persist, and relations will be harmonious, while it is by no means clear that these globalised markets and international relations as we knew them until recently will continue in the future. The course of the energy transition and the development of energy markets may thus be different in the context of an alternative world order. This is the context of the project ‘Hydrogen To Be’ (H2TB) concerning the geopolitics and geo-economics of low carbon hydrogen carrier imports and the impact on local economies and society in Northwest Europe. 

In addition to the full report, the summaries of the H2TB project can be found here in Dutch and English.

The H2TB project was commissioned by SmartPort. The consortium existed of Drift, UPT/Erasmus University, TUDelft and CIEP. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate  Policy, through RVO, commissioned CIEP to work on the Future Security of Supply of Hydrogen, which is both part of the H2TB-project and published in July 2022 as a stand-alone contribution, titled Managing Future Security of Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply.